Diamond Core Bits For Geological Drilling
Impregnated Diamond Core Bits are crafted by blending small, top-notch synthetic diamonds uniformly within a metal matrix. These industrial-grade diamonds, ranging from fine to micro-fine quality, are meticulously placed within a matrix that spans a spectrum of hardness levels, from brass to high-grade steel.
The critical technical parameters of impregnated diamond core bits encompass diamond type, size, concentration, and grade, as well as matrix hardness and crown shapes. These parameters can be tailored to suit the specific rock formations being drilled. By making informed choices based on the geological conditions, drillers can achieve optimal drilling performance across a range of formations with varying degrees of hardness.
Key features of Diamond Core Bits for geological drilling include:
Diamond Impregnation: Small, high-quality synthetic diamonds are evenly distributed within the matrix material to ensure consistent and effective cutting action.
Matrix Hardness: The matrix material's hardness is carefully selected to withstand the abrasive forces encountered while drilling through various rock formations, ensuring durability and longevity of the core bit.
Diamond Type and Size: The type, size, concentration, and grade of diamonds used in the core bit impact cutting efficiency and wear resistance, allowing for optimal performance in different geological formations.